TechTime with Nathan Mumm | E76[2] What is PryzeBox? | Twitter launches Shopping | Steals & Deals | 11/27 – 12/03/21

Join us on TechTime with Nathan Mumm this week on the show; we continue our small business Saturday by looking at a beta software application that allows small businesses to advertise for free while allowing gamers to play games to win real prizes. Then, join us to talk about some Cyber Monday Steals and Deals and what is happening in the gaming community on Gamer Time. Next, we have a few cyber breaches to talk about, and finally, we have the “This Week in Technology” segment and a few breaking news articles we might bring up along the way.

“Welcome to TechTime Radio with Nathan Mumm, the show that makes you go “Hummmm” Technology news of the week for November 27th through December 3rd, 2021.

Episode 76: Hour 2 

— [Now on Today’s Show]

— [Steal and Deals]

Mike and Nathan share this week’s best prices on technology items for the week.

— [Technology Insider]

Corey Williams the CEO and Founder of Pryzbox joins the show to explain his application that is built to help small businesses.

— [What we found on the Web]

  • Twitter launches livestream shopping
  • Netflix’s new gaming service added two more titles
  • Privacy-focused search engine DuckDuckGo added to its Android app the ability to block hidden trackers, as part of its new “App Tracking Protection for Android” feature

— [This Week in Technology]

November 24, 1998- AOL announces it will buy Netscape Communications in a stock-for-stock deal worth approximately $4.2 billion