TechTime with Nathan Mumm | E71[2] The current malware threats. What is Facebook Metaverse? | 10/23 – 10/29/21

Episode 71: Hour 2 

On the Second Hour, we have our Letters Segment, where we look at the latest Phishing attempts, emails scams, and fraud sent to the host. Then, we plan on having open phone lines on our Ask the Expert segment. Plus, we will talk about a great deal for the Jedi’s in your family, and we explore why Facebook dominates the social media world and what happens to their competition? You will not want to miss “This Week in Technology History” Welcome to hour two of TechTime, with your Host Nathan Mumm and Co-Host Mike Gorday.

— [Now on Today’s Show]
— [Letters]

Mike and Nathan share this week’s informative emails that I have received during the week. This includes scams, phishing emails, and all-out mistruths disguised as legitimate emails.

— [Ask the Expert]

We have open phone calls and answer questions on Malware, job searching online, and social media ratings for people.

— [Technology Insider]
What is Facebook’s Metaverse

— [This Week in Technology]